I really don't have much to write about in this post since my life has come to a halt to get through school, so I decided to just put up some random information throughout my life that I find interesting.
Horrible Ways to Break Up With Someone - 10 of Them

1. BY CHEATING: This is one of the most common ways people break up. And the stories run the scope, from the one-night-stand, to the ongoing affair, to the ongoing affair that you only found out about via "the new person," to the unspeakable announcement that your boyfriend or girlfriend is engaged to someone else (WHAT?!?). Really? Just break it off before you cheat, and make every ones life a lot easier.
2. BY DOING NOTHING: Being forced to figure something out by yourself is sometimes the hardest and most humiliating thing of all. Coming home to find your partner gone, with no note, no calls, no anything may just be the worst way to handle a relationship breakup. It is definitely the WIMPIEST. Just remember that. You do this, you are weak.
3. ON VALENTINE'S DAY: There are 365 days in the year, and ONE dedicated to celebrating love. It's not like you can't claim you didn't "know" it was Valentine's Day - the stores, the cards have been in your face for weeks. Pick another day. It's that simple. Don't ruin this day forever for someone, unless you're really in need of some bad karma. (Side note: Some other honorable mentions are New Year's Eve and Birthdays)
4. IN BED: Talk about ruining the mood. At least wait until you're clothed.
5. AT YOUR "SPECIAL PLACE": That restaurant where you had our first date...the bar where you told him/her you loved them...the bench in the park where you'd sit every Sunday... Why on earth would anyone think this is a good idea? Let the special place stay special
6. AT A WEDDING: The wedding. The defining moment for any couple. The pinnacle of celebrating relationships and love. The day they'll remember as the best day of their lives. Forever. Guess the pressure got to you, huh?
7. AROUND THE FAMILY: Don't make it a family affair - you'll seriously regret it. Whether at a sibling's wedding (see #6), a family vacation (see #10), or meeting the family for the first time (really!?), this one is clearly ridden with minefields that will lead to nothing but trouble.
8. ON FACEBOOK: Nothing like logging on to find your loved one tagged in a compromising photo with a complete stranger...to you, at least. Why this is called the "World Wide Web" and some people can't figure out how they got busted is beyond us. Besides, it's way too trendy these days - BE ORIGINAL PEOPLE!!
6. AT A WEDDING: The wedding. The defining moment for any couple. The pinnacle of celebrating relationships and love. The day they'll remember as the best day of their lives. Forever. Guess the pressure got to you, huh?
7. AROUND THE FAMILY: Don't make it a family affair - you'll seriously regret it. Whether at a sibling's wedding (see #6), a family vacation (see #10), or meeting the family for the first time (really!?), this one is clearly ridden with minefields that will lead to nothing but trouble.
8. ON FACEBOOK: Nothing like logging on to find your loved one tagged in a compromising photo with a complete stranger...to you, at least. Why this is called the "World Wide Web" and some people can't figure out how they got busted is beyond us. Besides, it's way too trendy these days - BE ORIGINAL PEOPLE!!
9. IN A TEXT MESSAGE: Oh, the text. The modern-day version of the Post-It. Too wussy to do it in person? Text away, wuss.
10. ON VACATION: Who would you most likely want to be stuck on a deserted island with? Not someone who's just told you "it's not working out,"I'm quite sure. Not only have you now wasted your time and money, but you can't leave the situation easily without added plane fares and stress. If this happens to you, break away and turn your trip into a rejuvenating self-improvement retreat... you'll need it.
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