Here's some more dating advice for all you single ladies out there. You always hear people say, "you should marry your best friend." Well, here are 10 reasons why you really should marry your best friend.
1. You already know what the other person wants. He knows you've always wanted a big family, and you know he'd like to be married by the time he's 30. Friends have these discussions. There is no fear of the truth, no asking yourself, What if he doesn't want as many kids as I do? Compromise is important in any relationship, and the best way to compromise is by starting with the truth. You'll get closer to what you both want this way.
2. You know each other's dating histories. Chances are you've seen one another in relationships and you've probably even met each other's exes. Since you've already met his past lovers, you'll be a lot less likely to feel insecure about them.
3. You've shared important moments together. If you've known each other long enough, you've been there when family members have gotten married, when babies have been born... through job promotions, puppies and maybe even the purchase of a first home. These events shape us and shape our relationships. There's nothing as good as having a real past with your partner.
4. The secrets are all out on the table. That drunken hookup with your friend's ex-boyfriend? He knows about it. The stripper he dated in his early twenties? You're her Facebook friend. These secrets that we would normally be scared to share with a new partner for fear of judgment? Our friends already know. And we're also less likely to care about them when we know they're just one small part of someone's past.
5. The respect is already there. Respect is so vital to a relationship, but sometimes that respect takes time to form. You need to get to know each other, learn one another's values and see each other in action. Respect is no less important to friendships. Wouldn't it be great to start a relationship and already have that respect in place?
6. You've seen each other in your less than stellar moments. He's wiped away your tears despite the raccoon-sized mascara circles under your eyes. He knew you when you sported the Freshman 15 - heck, he helped you gain it! He's seen you with post-workout headband hair, in your Uggs and sweatpants, and with a spoon gripped in your palm halfway into a pint of Chubby Hubby - and he still loves you.
7. Your career priorities are already out there. You know that his goal is to make partner by 35, and he knows your dream is to open your own literary agency. You've already helped one another work toward these goals, so when he can't make it home one night before 10 p.m., you're more likely to be understanding.
8. You're already discussed the hardest topics. Religion. Money. Politics. These are things that friends can discuss freely and with passion, but that can sometimes come between two people without a prior connection. He may be a poor Catholic who voted for Ross Perot, but if this wasn't enough to keep you from being his friend when you first met a decade ago, most likely it won't be a deal-breaker for you now.
9. You already know each other's families. Friends meet each other's families in no-pressure situations. Over dinners and drinks, there are no hidden future father-in-law agendas, and no "How will you support my daughter?" questions. And since you've already made an impression on his parents, that pressure should stay off when you take your relationship to the next level.
10. You really know one another. This is the big one. We let our friends see the real us. There is no pressure to be liked, no worries about whether or not we look good enough, and no little lies. The best relationships are built on honesty, so who better to be with than the person you've been honest with from the beginning?
Come Around Sundown

Friday, October 29, 2010
Basic Dating Rules For All The Ladies Out There
Whether you're new to the dating scene, re-entering the dating scene, or not having any luck in the dating world, here are some basic rules for dating. For the latter – not having any luck dating – people, pay attention! If you are breaking any of these rules, it could be why you're unlucky in love.
- Pay attention to what you're wearing - clothes, makeup, accessories, shoes etc. After all, the first impression you make is indeed the one that will last the longest.
- Beware of revealing too much about yourself. Remember, an enigmatic woman drives men wild.
- Looks are indeed deceptive. Hence, never assume anything about your date until you get to know him well enough.
- This is a cardinal rule – no ex talk. Never ever talk about previous boyfriends, particularly their prowess in bed. Your ex-boyfriends are strictly your business.
- Be careful of sex too early. No matter how eager either of you are to jump into the sack, do not make the mistake of sleeping with a guy until he has fallen for you. Having sex too early in your dating days could ruin a possibly good thing.
- Retain your enigma. Make yourself unavailable sometimes. Do not pick his call on the first ring itself. If you've missed his call, do not sound desperate and keep apologising forever. In short, do not make yourself seem easily available or too desperate. Coming across as clingy and needy may result in him running a mile away from you. Remember, he's the one who should be doing the chasing.
- Keep your girl's night out with your girlfriends sacred. Never take your man with you. This is the time for you and your girls to bond. A man, especially if you'll have just begun dating, at the scene is not appropriate.
Photo Bomb
This family was able to catch that guy behind them stealing their bags using just this photo! They turned it into police and the man was caught the next day with all their belongings.
Word of the Day: Mesbian
According to Urban Dictionary, a Mesbian is "a man with feminine qualities who still likes women, or, to put it more crudely, a male lesbian." They choose cider over beer at a pub; When you tell them you're going to a yoga class, they ask what kind; They're into journaling and may or may not own a pottery wheel; They call Tori Amos just 'Tori'; Their hair products contain beeswax.
9 Secrets to Longevity
Sure, diet and exercise keep you healthy. And yes, smiling will extend your life. But the secrets of aging aren't all so straightforward. Here are 9 unusual ways to live longer, courtesy of "The Week:"
1. Make friends - Researchers at Brigham Young University and the University of North Carolina found that people with poor social networks (aka few friends) are 50 percent more likely to die sooner than those with "robust social ties." Having a large social circle, says the study, can make as much difference to your life expectancy as a life without smoking cigarettes.
2. Win a Nobel prize - Researchers found that Nobel prize winners lived 1.4 years longer than nominees who didn't win. Walking across that platform in Stockholm apparently adds about two years to a scientist's life-span. If you're unlikely to attract recognition from the Nobel community, then don't worry - the study suggests that social status can influence longevity, so just make sure people think highly of you.
3. Take the pill - Women who take the pill for an average of four years reduce their risk of dying from illnesses such as cancer and heart disease. But the study looked at women who started taking the pill in the 1960s, meaning the results may not be applicable for women taking today's drugs.
4. Move to a Greek island - Specifically, the Greek island of Icaria, where almost one in three people lives into their 90s. Researchers studying the islanders concluded that the Icarians' active lifestyle and healthy Mediterranean diets (lots of fruits, vegetables, and olive oil) helped the island maintain the highest percentage of nonagenarians on the planet.
5. Live through a recession - It may give scant relief to those struggling to find work during the current downturn, but a University of Washington study suggests that recessions in the 20th century led to declines in mortality. Unemployed people were more likely to give up expensive vices like smoking and drinking and less likely to die from work-related injuries or car accidents.
6. Put on a bit of weight... - Researchers at Kaiser Permanente followed over 11,000 adults over 12 years and found that those who were slightly overweight were 17 percent less likely to die during the 12-year study. It may be that a few extra pounds actually protect older people as their health declines.
7. one place in particular - Women with large rear ends are less likely to suffer heart and metabolic diseases than non-curvy ladies, says a study by Oxford University. That's apparently because fat stored in this area absorbs harmful fatty acids.
8. Learn a foreign language - Learning a foreign tongue can help stave off Alzheimer's and other common age-related diseases. You don't have to master it, but just the act of learning something new is like "running different software through the brain."
9. Work near ornamental plants - Waxy-leaved plants like English ivy and ferns soak up harmful indoor air pollutants, reducing stress levels and increasing overall health, says a study by the University of Georgia. The healthiest ornamental plant to have in your cubicle is the purple heart plant, which can be bought online for as little as $4.
1. Make friends - Researchers at Brigham Young University and the University of North Carolina found that people with poor social networks (aka few friends) are 50 percent more likely to die sooner than those with "robust social ties." Having a large social circle, says the study, can make as much difference to your life expectancy as a life without smoking cigarettes.
2. Win a Nobel prize - Researchers found that Nobel prize winners lived 1.4 years longer than nominees who didn't win. Walking across that platform in Stockholm apparently adds about two years to a scientist's life-span. If you're unlikely to attract recognition from the Nobel community, then don't worry - the study suggests that social status can influence longevity, so just make sure people think highly of you.
3. Take the pill - Women who take the pill for an average of four years reduce their risk of dying from illnesses such as cancer and heart disease. But the study looked at women who started taking the pill in the 1960s, meaning the results may not be applicable for women taking today's drugs.
4. Move to a Greek island - Specifically, the Greek island of Icaria, where almost one in three people lives into their 90s. Researchers studying the islanders concluded that the Icarians' active lifestyle and healthy Mediterranean diets (lots of fruits, vegetables, and olive oil) helped the island maintain the highest percentage of nonagenarians on the planet.
5. Live through a recession - It may give scant relief to those struggling to find work during the current downturn, but a University of Washington study suggests that recessions in the 20th century led to declines in mortality. Unemployed people were more likely to give up expensive vices like smoking and drinking and less likely to die from work-related injuries or car accidents.
6. Put on a bit of weight... - Researchers at Kaiser Permanente followed over 11,000 adults over 12 years and found that those who were slightly overweight were 17 percent less likely to die during the 12-year study. It may be that a few extra pounds actually protect older people as their health declines.
7. one place in particular - Women with large rear ends are less likely to suffer heart and metabolic diseases than non-curvy ladies, says a study by Oxford University. That's apparently because fat stored in this area absorbs harmful fatty acids.
8. Learn a foreign language - Learning a foreign tongue can help stave off Alzheimer's and other common age-related diseases. You don't have to master it, but just the act of learning something new is like "running different software through the brain."
9. Work near ornamental plants - Waxy-leaved plants like English ivy and ferns soak up harmful indoor air pollutants, reducing stress levels and increasing overall health, says a study by the University of Georgia. The healthiest ornamental plant to have in your cubicle is the purple heart plant, which can be bought online for as little as $4.
How to Tell if Your Guy is Interested in You or Not
Can't figure out if the guy you like is interested in you, too? Well, before putting your heart - and friendship - on the line, here are 15 signs you can look for first to tell whether your guy friend is probably not interested in being anything more than friends.
1. He invites you to be his "plus 1" at a wedding because "he couldn't find a date-date."
2. He thinks it's hilarious when his parents ask when you two are finally going to start dating.
3. The most romantic thing he's said to you in months is: "I'll be your wingman any time you need one."
4. He asks for relationship advice.
5. When you go to movies, he likes to keep a seat open between you so you "have more space."
6. He asks you to edit his online dating profile.
7. He typically calls you by your last name.
8. When you wear a low-cut shirt, he doesn't even take a peek at your cleavage.
9. He introduces you as his "sister from another mister."
10. He goes number 2 at your place and doesn't even bother lighting a match.
11. He asks you to set him up with one of your girlfriends.
12. He introduces you to his hottest friend and doesn't even warn you that "he's such a player."
13. He checks out other girls in your presence all the time.
14. He de-tags himself in a picture you posted of the two of you on Facebook, explaining, "I don't want other chicks to think we're together."
15. He names his dog after you.
1. He invites you to be his "plus 1" at a wedding because "he couldn't find a date-date."
2. He thinks it's hilarious when his parents ask when you two are finally going to start dating.
3. The most romantic thing he's said to you in months is: "I'll be your wingman any time you need one."
4. He asks for relationship advice.
5. When you go to movies, he likes to keep a seat open between you so you "have more space."
6. He asks you to edit his online dating profile.
7. He typically calls you by your last name.
8. When you wear a low-cut shirt, he doesn't even take a peek at your cleavage.
9. He introduces you as his "sister from another mister."
10. He goes number 2 at your place and doesn't even bother lighting a match.
11. He asks you to set him up with one of your girlfriends.
12. He introduces you to his hottest friend and doesn't even warn you that "he's such a player."
13. He checks out other girls in your presence all the time.
14. He de-tags himself in a picture you posted of the two of you on Facebook, explaining, "I don't want other chicks to think we're together."
15. He names his dog after you.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
6 Signs You're Too Nice and What To Do About It
Growing up, girls are encouraged to "be nice." But new research suggests that being too nice can actually be detrimental to your personal and professional life (fewer promotions and raises). According to Craig English, co-author of "Anxious To Please: 7 Revolutionary Practices For The Chronically Nice," you might be a chronically nice person if...
1. You are always longing for something (or someone)
2. You feel worried or fretful so often it seems normal
3. You can't keep romance sizzling, and often can't even get romance started
4. You often don't know what you want (As in: "I don't care where we go to dinner...")
5. You apologize frequently, or for things you are not responsible for ("Bonus points if you apologize for apologizing," says English).
6. Your emotional state mirrors your partner's (if your partner isn't happy, you aren't happy).
Here are some things "too nice" people can do to move past their "too nice" image:
Learn what they want. Don't immediately think, "Oh, but X wants me to do..." or "They won't like me if I don't..." or "What will others think if I do/don't..."
Articulate what they want. They need to do this clearly and in language that is about them and not the other person. For example, "I wish I could help you out with that but I can't..." or simply "I really can't right now..." You're being kind to the other person as well as yourself by being forthright about it instead of "Well, let me think about it... not sure... umm..." Just say it. It's OK to do what's best for you.
Be OK with disappointing people. You need to be able to tolerate when/if the other person does have a negative reaction to your asserting yourself
1. You are always longing for something (or someone)
2. You feel worried or fretful so often it seems normal
3. You can't keep romance sizzling, and often can't even get romance started
4. You often don't know what you want (As in: "I don't care where we go to dinner...")
5. You apologize frequently, or for things you are not responsible for ("Bonus points if you apologize for apologizing," says English).
6. Your emotional state mirrors your partner's (if your partner isn't happy, you aren't happy).
Here are some things "too nice" people can do to move past their "too nice" image:
Learn what they want. Don't immediately think, "Oh, but X wants me to do..." or "They won't like me if I don't..." or "What will others think if I do/don't..."
Articulate what they want. They need to do this clearly and in language that is about them and not the other person. For example, "I wish I could help you out with that but I can't..." or simply "I really can't right now..." You're being kind to the other person as well as yourself by being forthright about it instead of "Well, let me think about it... not sure... umm..." Just say it. It's OK to do what's best for you.
Be OK with disappointing people. You need to be able to tolerate when/if the other person does have a negative reaction to your asserting yourself
I'm Bored
I'm currently sitting in class, bored out of my freaking mind. Someone please tell the professor to end this lecture. No one is listening to her.
Since I have nothing better to do right now, I thought I'll post some random things that I've found on the Internet.
The Mystery of Beer Goggles Explained
British researchers have discovered why alcohol drinking makes other people look better. The reason is linked to humans' preference for symmetrical faces. Bad news for women: You get more affected by the beer goggles than men. By nature, humans find symmetry beautiful, but alcohol affects the part of the brain that is capable of detecting symmetry. As a result, as the blood's alcohol content increases, the brain gets confused and starts to believe that every person around has more symmetrical, aesthetically pleasant faces.
The study was conducted over a group of 64 students. First, the researchers showed each student twenty pair of faces, one symmetrical, the other asymmetrical. They asked them to pick the prettiest face. Then, they showed them twenty individual faces, one by one, and asked them to judge if the face was symmetrical or asymmetrical. The result showed that intoxicated students had difficulty making these choices, while sober students didn't, having a clear preference for symmetrical faces. Among the students, women were the most affected. The study doesn't explain exactly why women get more affected.
Since I have nothing better to do right now, I thought I'll post some random things that I've found on the Internet.
The Mystery of Beer Goggles Explained
British researchers have discovered why alcohol drinking makes other people look better. The reason is linked to humans' preference for symmetrical faces. Bad news for women: You get more affected by the beer goggles than men. By nature, humans find symmetry beautiful, but alcohol affects the part of the brain that is capable of detecting symmetry. As a result, as the blood's alcohol content increases, the brain gets confused and starts to believe that every person around has more symmetrical, aesthetically pleasant faces.
The study was conducted over a group of 64 students. First, the researchers showed each student twenty pair of faces, one symmetrical, the other asymmetrical. They asked them to pick the prettiest face. Then, they showed them twenty individual faces, one by one, and asked them to judge if the face was symmetrical or asymmetrical. The result showed that intoxicated students had difficulty making these choices, while sober students didn't, having a clear preference for symmetrical faces. Among the students, women were the most affected. The study doesn't explain exactly why women get more affected.
WTF Product of the Day
Company Selling Shoes Slicked With Black Oil
Is a line of shoes slicked with black "oil" called Gulf Coast Cleanup a sincere idea gone wrong, or intentional irritation? Check out the shoes from the company Bed|Stü. "Esquire" magazine did say though, that proceeds from the shoes will go to the World Wildlife Federation.
Is a line of shoes slicked with black "oil" called Gulf Coast Cleanup a sincere idea gone wrong, or intentional irritation? Check out the shoes from the company Bed|Stü. "Esquire" magazine did say though, that proceeds from the shoes will go to the World Wildlife Federation.
You're Getting Played if You're Guy Exhibits These 7 Things
The thing with a womanizer is that he seems totally sweet and charming on the surface. Who'd ever guess he was secretly a scoundrel, right? Well, they have their game down pat and it's easy for a woman to get sucked in. Here's 7 ways you can sharpen your radar. If he exhibits three or more of these, watch out.
1. All of His Exes Are "Crazy" - Be wary of a man who refers to his former girlfriends as crazy, psycho, or clingy - because what's the common denominator here? Him. The dude's either looney-bin glue, or he never really wanted the relationship to work in the first place.
2. He Plans Ultra-Romantic Dates - A cozy candlelit dinner is nice and all, but if he only takes you to secluded places, it could be a tip-off that he doesn't want other women to spot him on a date. Next time he asks you out, suggest hitting up a busy restaurant or popular bar and see how he reacts.
3. He's Hot and Cold on the Phone - He'll text you 10 times in a night, then go MIA for days. He'll chat on the phone for an hour, then ignore your messages for the rest of the week. Wondering what is going on? We're going to be brutally honest: He's mostly likely busy dating other women.
4. He Guilt-Trips You - It's normal for a guy to be jonesing to sleep with you from day one. But this behavior is a red flag if he a) lays the pressure on thick, or b) tries to make you feel bad if you choose not to have sex.
5. Stuff Is Missing from His Facebook Profile - Has he untagged any photos of you and him? Does he post updates often, yet never mention hanging out with you? Is his relationship status hidden? We smell a rat. A guy who's leery of commitment will make sure there are no traces of you on his page.
6. His Buddies Act Distant - Even though a player's bros may be friendly enough, they probably won't ask you many personal questions about your job, interests, etc. The ugly truth: They don't want to invest time and energy getting to know you because they figure you're not going to be around very long.
7. He Says You're Soul Mates - If a dude comes on super strong right off the bat (we're talking the first couple of weeks), telling you things like that he's starting to fall in love with you, just make sure you play it safe and trust your gut. Those powerful words might be rolling off his tongue so smoothly because he's spoken them so many times before.
1. All of His Exes Are "Crazy" - Be wary of a man who refers to his former girlfriends as crazy, psycho, or clingy - because what's the common denominator here? Him. The dude's either looney-bin glue, or he never really wanted the relationship to work in the first place.
2. He Plans Ultra-Romantic Dates - A cozy candlelit dinner is nice and all, but if he only takes you to secluded places, it could be a tip-off that he doesn't want other women to spot him on a date. Next time he asks you out, suggest hitting up a busy restaurant or popular bar and see how he reacts.
3. He's Hot and Cold on the Phone - He'll text you 10 times in a night, then go MIA for days. He'll chat on the phone for an hour, then ignore your messages for the rest of the week. Wondering what is going on? We're going to be brutally honest: He's mostly likely busy dating other women.
4. He Guilt-Trips You - It's normal for a guy to be jonesing to sleep with you from day one. But this behavior is a red flag if he a) lays the pressure on thick, or b) tries to make you feel bad if you choose not to have sex.
5. Stuff Is Missing from His Facebook Profile - Has he untagged any photos of you and him? Does he post updates often, yet never mention hanging out with you? Is his relationship status hidden? We smell a rat. A guy who's leery of commitment will make sure there are no traces of you on his page.
6. His Buddies Act Distant - Even though a player's bros may be friendly enough, they probably won't ask you many personal questions about your job, interests, etc. The ugly truth: They don't want to invest time and energy getting to know you because they figure you're not going to be around very long.
7. He Says You're Soul Mates - If a dude comes on super strong right off the bat (we're talking the first couple of weeks), telling you things like that he's starting to fall in love with you, just make sure you play it safe and trust your gut. Those powerful words might be rolling off his tongue so smoothly because he's spoken them so many times before.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
The title says it all. I haven't been able to put up any posts lately thanks to school. I've just been drowning in all the papers and reports that I need to write up for every course.
I really don't have much to write about in this post since my life has come to a halt to get through school, so I decided to just put up some random information throughout my life that I find interesting.
1. BY CHEATING: This is one of the most common ways people break up. And the stories run the scope, from the one-night-stand, to the ongoing affair, to the ongoing affair that you only found out about via "the new person," to the unspeakable announcement that your boyfriend or girlfriend is engaged to someone else (WHAT?!?). Really? Just break it off before you cheat, and make every ones life a lot easier.
2. BY DOING NOTHING: Being forced to figure something out by yourself is sometimes the hardest and most humiliating thing of all. Coming home to find your partner gone, with no note, no calls, no anything may just be the worst way to handle a relationship breakup. It is definitely the WIMPIEST. Just remember that. You do this, you are weak.
3. ON VALENTINE'S DAY: There are 365 days in the year, and ONE dedicated to celebrating love. It's not like you can't claim you didn't "know" it was Valentine's Day - the stores, the cards have been in your face for weeks. Pick another day. It's that simple. Don't ruin this day forever for someone, unless you're really in need of some bad karma. (Side note: Some other honorable mentions are New Year's Eve and Birthdays)
4. IN BED: Talk about ruining the mood. At least wait until you're clothed.
9. IN A TEXT MESSAGE: Oh, the text. The modern-day version of the Post-It. Too wussy to do it in person? Text away, wuss.
10. ON VACATION: Who would you most likely want to be stuck on a deserted island with? Not someone who's just told you "it's not working out,"I'm quite sure. Not only have you now wasted your time and money, but you can't leave the situation easily without added plane fares and stress. If this happens to you, break away and turn your trip into a rejuvenating self-improvement retreat... you'll need it.
I really don't have much to write about in this post since my life has come to a halt to get through school, so I decided to just put up some random information throughout my life that I find interesting.
Horrible Ways to Break Up With Someone - 10 of Them

1. BY CHEATING: This is one of the most common ways people break up. And the stories run the scope, from the one-night-stand, to the ongoing affair, to the ongoing affair that you only found out about via "the new person," to the unspeakable announcement that your boyfriend or girlfriend is engaged to someone else (WHAT?!?). Really? Just break it off before you cheat, and make every ones life a lot easier.
2. BY DOING NOTHING: Being forced to figure something out by yourself is sometimes the hardest and most humiliating thing of all. Coming home to find your partner gone, with no note, no calls, no anything may just be the worst way to handle a relationship breakup. It is definitely the WIMPIEST. Just remember that. You do this, you are weak.
3. ON VALENTINE'S DAY: There are 365 days in the year, and ONE dedicated to celebrating love. It's not like you can't claim you didn't "know" it was Valentine's Day - the stores, the cards have been in your face for weeks. Pick another day. It's that simple. Don't ruin this day forever for someone, unless you're really in need of some bad karma. (Side note: Some other honorable mentions are New Year's Eve and Birthdays)
4. IN BED: Talk about ruining the mood. At least wait until you're clothed.
5. AT YOUR "SPECIAL PLACE": That restaurant where you had our first date...the bar where you told him/her you loved them...the bench in the park where you'd sit every Sunday... Why on earth would anyone think this is a good idea? Let the special place stay special
6. AT A WEDDING: The wedding. The defining moment for any couple. The pinnacle of celebrating relationships and love. The day they'll remember as the best day of their lives. Forever. Guess the pressure got to you, huh?
7. AROUND THE FAMILY: Don't make it a family affair - you'll seriously regret it. Whether at a sibling's wedding (see #6), a family vacation (see #10), or meeting the family for the first time (really!?), this one is clearly ridden with minefields that will lead to nothing but trouble.
8. ON FACEBOOK: Nothing like logging on to find your loved one tagged in a compromising photo with a complete you, at least. Why this is called the "World Wide Web" and some people can't figure out how they got busted is beyond us. Besides, it's way too trendy these days - BE ORIGINAL PEOPLE!!
6. AT A WEDDING: The wedding. The defining moment for any couple. The pinnacle of celebrating relationships and love. The day they'll remember as the best day of their lives. Forever. Guess the pressure got to you, huh?
7. AROUND THE FAMILY: Don't make it a family affair - you'll seriously regret it. Whether at a sibling's wedding (see #6), a family vacation (see #10), or meeting the family for the first time (really!?), this one is clearly ridden with minefields that will lead to nothing but trouble.
8. ON FACEBOOK: Nothing like logging on to find your loved one tagged in a compromising photo with a complete you, at least. Why this is called the "World Wide Web" and some people can't figure out how they got busted is beyond us. Besides, it's way too trendy these days - BE ORIGINAL PEOPLE!!
9. IN A TEXT MESSAGE: Oh, the text. The modern-day version of the Post-It. Too wussy to do it in person? Text away, wuss.
10. ON VACATION: Who would you most likely want to be stuck on a deserted island with? Not someone who's just told you "it's not working out,"I'm quite sure. Not only have you now wasted your time and money, but you can't leave the situation easily without added plane fares and stress. If this happens to you, break away and turn your trip into a rejuvenating self-improvement retreat... you'll need it.
Friday, October 8, 2010
First post
With no further due, the first post onto my blog.
I never thought I would do this but I sit here in class bored out of my mind, not even bothering to listen to the lecture that the prof is presenting. Let me just put this out first:
Now that has been said let's continue. Oh, and one more thing, this blog will be very random. The posts will jump from one idea to another. :)
Well since most of you may not know me let's start of by me introducing myself. My name is Abira but my friends call me Abby, cause I hate people calling me my given name (cause it's such an ethnic name). I'm a 20 years old (who's turning 21 next week. WOOT WOOT) student who is working on her undergrad in Women's Studies (you're all wondering what the hell is that) and than wanting to go into education. Well to answer the question what is women's studies, well it's an academic field which looks at politics, society and history from an intersectional, multicultural women's perspective. It explores norms such as gender, race, class, sexuality and other social inequalities.
I come from your stereotypical family of four. The obvious mother, father and sibling. I've got a younger sister who means the world to me. I would move heaven and hell to make anything happen for her.
2. last beverage?
Coffee, I can't survive without it.
3. last phone call?
My sister called me to tell me that a dog died at work.
4. last text message?
My sister, what do you want for dinner?
5. last CD played?
Kings of Leon- Only by the night. I've been listening to it for months and can't wait for the new one to come out in 11 day!!
6. last BUBBLE bath?
??? I don't remember because I was probably a kid the last time I had time for a bubble bath.
7. last time you cried?
Yesterday- thanks to the last episode of glee. Kurt singing I wanna hold your hand, just brought back some sad memories.
8. last meal?
White Chocolate Cookies. Damn it feels like an orgasm in my mouth. SWEET!!
SEVEN have you’s:
1. have you ever dated someone twice?
Not at this point, but you never know about the future.
3. have you ever kissed someone & regretted it?
So far so good :D
4. have you ever fallen in love?
Not sure if I even know what love means, therefore the question cannot be answered.
5. have you ever lost someone?
Way too many times. It's not something I want anyone to experience but it's part of life.
6. have you ever slept until 2pm?
The last time that happened, I was in high school. I wish I had time nowadays to sleep in past 8am.
7. have you ever been drunk and thrown up?
Nope, I've been lucky that I've kept my booze down and let's hope it stays that way.
list FIVE people you can tell pretty much anything to:
1. Annie
2. Lisa
3. Evelyn
4. Thivyah
5. Who wants to be the fifth person??
list THREE favorite colors:
1. Red
2. White
3. Black
Don't say crap about how white and black are not colors. I consider them colors therefore that's what they will be known as.
list FOUR things you want to do before you die:
1. Skydive
2. Travel the world
3. Swim with dolphins
4. Make a difference in someones life
This month have you..
Laughed until you cried:
Hell ya, thank you Phillip. Sometimes I forget how crazy you are.
Went behind your parents back?
This happens at least once a week :)
1. Your Last Kiss?
Ehhh, what about it?
2. Gay Marriage?
Everyone deserves the right to get married. You have my support all the way.
3. Lowering the drinking age?
Pointless for me know, as I'm officially legal to drink everywhere!!
4. Straight, Gay, or Bi?
Straight for the most parts, but I do have my moments where I'm bi. I believe that everyone is bi at some point in their life.
5. Who are the best huggers that you know?
Annie, you give out the biggest hugs ever and I love them.
6. Do you believe in love at first sight?
I used to for sure, but as I get older the idea just fades.
7. Is there something you want to tell someone?
I always have something I want to tell someone, but I'd rather do it to their face.
8. What brand of shirt are you wearing?
Bluenotes, and very proud of it. I love my Canadian brands
9. Would you kiss anyone on your top friends?
If I were really drunk and/ or if they wanted to do as well
10. What is your current annoyance?
Sitting in a tutorial doing dumb group work.
11. How many kids do you want to have?
Ideally two, but you never know what life will bring you.
12. Do you want to change your name?
I've been waiting to change my last name, it's way too long, and I guess I need to wait a little longer.
13. Last time you saw your father?
Today morning.
14. What did you do for your last birthday?
I think I went out to dinner with some friends. For some reason I can't remember what I did exactly
15.What time did you wake up today?
6:30am, cause it was my sister's birthday.
16. What were you doing at midnight last night:
Trying to finish 50 pages of reading for my law class. It was boring as hell, but I got it done. WOOT WOOT!
17. Name something you CANNOT wait to do:
I cannot wait to jump out of a plane. I've been wanting to do it for so long, I might do it this summer with my best friend.
18. What is your favorite thing in your room?
My ipod dock. I hate being in a quite room, it drives me nuts!!
20. Where is your best friend right now?
She's either in class, or at work.
Well that was fun. And this is one long ass post. So I'm going to say that's it for the day. Until next time my friends.
P.S. THE LEAFS BET THE HABS LAST NIGHT!!! IT TOTALLY MADE MY DAY! And at this moment they are leading in the conference.
I can just feel it that it's going to be a great year for them. I believe that they are going to get very far in the season.
I never thought I would do this but I sit here in class bored out of my mind, not even bothering to listen to the lecture that the prof is presenting. Let me just put this out first:
Now that has been said let's continue. Oh, and one more thing, this blog will be very random. The posts will jump from one idea to another. :)
Well since most of you may not know me let's start of by me introducing myself. My name is Abira but my friends call me Abby, cause I hate people calling me my given name (cause it's such an ethnic name). I'm a 20 years old (who's turning 21 next week. WOOT WOOT) student who is working on her undergrad in Women's Studies (you're all wondering what the hell is that) and than wanting to go into education. Well to answer the question what is women's studies, well it's an academic field which looks at politics, society and history from an intersectional, multicultural women's perspective. It explores norms such as gender, race, class, sexuality and other social inequalities.
I come from your stereotypical family of four. The obvious mother, father and sibling. I've got a younger sister who means the world to me. I would move heaven and hell to make anything happen for her.
Her name is Thivyah and she's turning 16, and trying to get through high school without screwing anything up. I say that I love her and would do anything for her but there are moments everyday that I just want to strangle her. I guess you just got to love the relationship that siblings have with one another. I must say that I'm lucky to have the relationship with her that I do because, I know some people in my life who barley have any sort of relationship with their sister or brother.
And to get a better sense of who I am here is a quiz.
1. last cigarette?
Never EVER EVER.2. last beverage?
Coffee, I can't survive without it.
My sister called me to tell me that a dog died at work.
4. last text message?
My sister, what do you want for dinner?
Kings of Leon- Only by the night. I've been listening to it for months and can't wait for the new one to come out in 11 day!!
??? I don't remember because I was probably a kid the last time I had time for a bubble bath.
Yesterday- thanks to the last episode of glee. Kurt singing I wanna hold your hand, just brought back some sad memories.
White Chocolate Cookies. Damn it feels like an orgasm in my mouth. SWEET!!
1. have you ever dated someone twice?
Not at this point, but you never know about the future.
So far so good :D
4. have you ever fallen in love?
Not sure if I even know what love means, therefore the question cannot be answered.
5. have you ever lost someone?
Way too many times. It's not something I want anyone to experience but it's part of life.
6. have you ever slept until 2pm?
The last time that happened, I was in high school. I wish I had time nowadays to sleep in past 8am.
Nope, I've been lucky that I've kept my booze down and let's hope it stays that way.
list FIVE people you can tell pretty much anything to:
1. Annie
2. Lisa
5. Who wants to be the fifth person??
1. Red
2. White
3. Black
Don't say crap about how white and black are not colors. I consider them colors therefore that's what they will be known as.
list FOUR things you want to do before you die:
1. Skydive
2. Travel the world
3. Swim with dolphins
4. Make a difference in someones life
This month have you..
Laughed until you cried:
Hell ya, thank you Phillip. Sometimes I forget how crazy you are.
Went behind your parents back?
This happens at least once a week :)
1. Your Last Kiss?
Ehhh, what about it?
2. Gay Marriage?
Everyone deserves the right to get married. You have my support all the way.
3. Lowering the drinking age?
Pointless for me know, as I'm officially legal to drink everywhere!!
4. Straight, Gay, or Bi?
Straight for the most parts, but I do have my moments where I'm bi. I believe that everyone is bi at some point in their life.
5. Who are the best huggers that you know?
Annie, you give out the biggest hugs ever and I love them.
6. Do you believe in love at first sight?
I used to for sure, but as I get older the idea just fades.
7. Is there something you want to tell someone?
I always have something I want to tell someone, but I'd rather do it to their face.
8. What brand of shirt are you wearing?
Bluenotes, and very proud of it. I love my Canadian brands
9. Would you kiss anyone on your top friends?
If I were really drunk and/ or if they wanted to do as well
10. What is your current annoyance?
Sitting in a tutorial doing dumb group work.
11. How many kids do you want to have?
Ideally two, but you never know what life will bring you.
12. Do you want to change your name?
I've been waiting to change my last name, it's way too long, and I guess I need to wait a little longer.
13. Last time you saw your father?
Today morning.
14. What did you do for your last birthday?
I think I went out to dinner with some friends. For some reason I can't remember what I did exactly
15.What time did you wake up today?
6:30am, cause it was my sister's birthday.
16. What were you doing at midnight last night:
Trying to finish 50 pages of reading for my law class. It was boring as hell, but I got it done. WOOT WOOT!
17. Name something you CANNOT wait to do:
I cannot wait to jump out of a plane. I've been wanting to do it for so long, I might do it this summer with my best friend.
18. What is your favorite thing in your room?
My ipod dock. I hate being in a quite room, it drives me nuts!!
20. Where is your best friend right now?
She's either in class, or at work.
Well that was fun. And this is one long ass post. So I'm going to say that's it for the day. Until next time my friends.
P.S. THE LEAFS BET THE HABS LAST NIGHT!!! IT TOTALLY MADE MY DAY! And at this moment they are leading in the conference.
I can just feel it that it's going to be a great year for them. I believe that they are going to get very far in the season.
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